The Oobleck Oompah

  • The Oobleck
  • Fun Time Party
  • Free Entry
  • Digbeth
  • Party Mash Up
  • Fri, 6th Jun 2014 @ 19:00 - 0:00
  • 19:00 - 00:00

One of Birmingham's newest music venues and just the ticket for a fun filled Digbeth frolic, The Oobleck present Oompah; a night to revel in steins, music and comedy alike. Joined by a hot to trot selection of stand up acts including Aaron Twitchen and Martin Huburn, followed by music from High Horses and Keller Klub DJs, The Oobleck Oompah is an all out Digbeth affair, for absolutely no money on entry. Hoorah.


Alfie's Bird, Custard Factory, B9 4AA



The Oobleck

Opening to events in May 2014 Found out the back of brand new Digbeth venue, Alfie Bird's, The Oobleck is a gig venue with warehouse charm and already an upcoming selection of events to its name.  A 400 capacity live music venue for those with a love of brand bands, independent names and locals alike…



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