Get your game face on

Vintage wooden school benches and a hefty collection of retro games consoles at The Rainbow? Looks like you need to find some hours to spare.

Do you have joysticks for thumbs? Are your eyes positively square from all those hours spent playing Donkey Kong? Well then, why not?! Ready to help you become the games aficionado that you know you are, The Rainbow in Birmingham's creative Digbeth district have dedicated an entire section of this urban, warehouse-esque pub in Birmingham to all things console. From Nintendo 64's and a vintage Gyruss machine to board games, The Rainbow is a cool and quirky pub in the city dedicated to harnessing those talents thanks to their fully furnished games corner.

Oh, and if anyone asks? Yes, that is our high score on Space Invaders. Thank you, thank you very much. Now, hands up, who would like to see The Rainbow host a monthly game night, let's put that people power to the test folks.