New Bar Spy - Lobster Peninsula

Seafood enthusiasts Lobster Peninsula hopes to stick out in historic digs

Lobster Peninsula


Venue Closed

What they say:

Details about Lobster Peninsula remain thin on the ground at present, but one thing for sure is their commitment to delivering stunning seafood and fish dishes. Playing with fresh ingredients and new flavour combinations, the team let their crustacean curiosity get the better of them, hoping to stun Birmingham's culinary experts. Crucially, the venue will open in the bones of the city's historic Futurist Cinema. Expect to see some of the buildings original features, high ceilings and elegant cornices on show. 

What we say:

This seafood obsessed venue is co-owned by William Sui, the mastermind behind the successful 100 Degree Flaming Grill and Bar on Essex Street; his experience and understanding of the city's restaurant industry will of course prove invaluable. But of greater importance is the delicate balance between the carefully crafted menu and the awe-inspiring features of this historic building. If the team can restore some of the character this building once exuded and couple it with a sleek, finely tuned selection of flavoursome dishes, it'll certainly tackle the sink-or-swim challenge faced by every new restaurant opening in a metropolitan city.