Sticky Mike's Frog Bar


An indie institution in the heart of Brighton, Sticky Mike's Frog is a live music venue meets art house meets laid back lounge bar where cool creative kids come far and wide for a tipple or three. 

Inspired by, and delightfully doused in the design work of local artists, this two floor bar and gig venue is a premium spot to discover some of Brighton's most young and talented creatives, as their work just so happened to be painted and hanging all over the walls. Whilst relatively small, Stick Mike's Frog Bar is a fun filled room brimming with local cool kids supping on slush puppy cocktails, organic beers and draft ales. 

If you're not running around the Brighton Beachfront heckling about the merry pizza meals that you can buy at Sticky Mike's for all of five of your hard earned pounds, you're sure to be at one of their infamous party nights, live gigs or upstairs art showcases. From regular DJ nights and party shindigs to rock and roll names in their basement gig venue, Sticky Mike's are the masters of their own musical making and major advocates of the local independent scene. 

What's on

Whatever happened to Indie nights? Celebrate our golden age of music, and dance to all the hits from 2000-2006. You know what that means? The…

Every 3rd Saturday of the month

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Fans of Tony Hawk Pro Skater and those that know their way around a controller, take to Sticky Mike's every last Thursday of the month whereHorse…

Every 4th Thursday of the month

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  • Drinkonomical £
  • Dance floor
  • None
  • None


Day Open Close Notes
Monday 18:00 0:00
Tuesday 18:00 0:00
Wednesday 18:00 0:00
Thursday 18:00 2:30
Friday 18:00 3:30
Saturday 18:00 3:30
Sunday 20:00 0:00



Sticky Mike's Frog Bar, 9-12, Middle Street, BN1 1AL


Town Centre

Customer Reviews (1)