Where To Watch The Champions League In Cardiff

The Champions League offers the chance to see some of the world's very best football. With midweek matches and an incredible Saturday showdown finale, there's no shortage of nail-biting action to be enjoyed. Not sure where to watch the Champions League in Cardiff? Check out our guide to the city's best sports bars and pubs here.

Last edited by Lauren Cole

The Woodville, Cardiff

Wondering which bars and pubs are showing the Champions League in Cardiff? The Woodville is the Cathays boozer that should be on your radar. Fronting a sun-soaked beer garden, full-sized pool tables and Sky Sports, this colourful haunt is perfect for some midweek footie action.

The Eli Jenkins

If you can't bear to sit inside when it's sunny, then you'll want to mosey on over to The Eli Jenkins. As one of the best places to watch the Champions League in Cardiff, this charming boozer showcases screens outdoors showing the latest football matches.