No pens. No paper. No cheating.
The future of quizzing is here! Simply download the free SpeedQuizzing app and join the fun when you arrive!
+++Teams of up to 6 people+++
+++Some questions will be of an adult-nature+++
+++Prizes every time+++
What is SpeedQuizzing?
-SpeedQuizzing is an interactive quiz game hosted from a laptop computer and played on smartphones and tablets.
Note: Only one smart device is required per quiz team.
-Players take part in the same way they would a pen and paper quiz, but instead of pens and paper, each team uses a free app on their smart device, with the presenter reading questions from a laptop computer.
How is SpeedQuizzing the same as a traditional pub quiz?
-A Presenter uses a microphone to read the questions.
-Quiz teams sit around tables answering questions.
-In addition to the professionally written quiz questions which we provide, hosts can optionally create their own additional content which can be loaded into the SpeedQuizzing hosting software.
Note: (Extra rounds are easy to make and can include picture questions as well as music questions using your own personal MP3s).
How is SpeedQuizzing different to a traditional pub quiz?
-Rather than having an unspecified amount of time to decide on an answer, teams are given a time-limit during which they input an answer using the keypad on their smart device screen. This gives players considerably less time to attempt to cheat!
-Answers are submitted by a single tap on the device screen, i.e. first letter of the answer, or multiple-choice (A.B.C.D etc).
-The answer is revealed after each question, rather than all together at the end of a round or the entire quiz.
-Scoring is taken care of automatically by the laptop, with the leader-board being accessible throughout the event.
-SpeedQuizzing uses sound effects which can be amplified through a sound system to create an upbeat lively atmosphere, more in keeping with a TV gameshow than a pen and paper quiz.