Gay Clubs in Glasgow

Naturally, Glasgow's gay scene is the biggest in Scotland so as you'd expect, there are plenty of LGBT clubs in the city. The majority of these clubs in Glasgow are found in the Merchant City (or the "Pink Triangle", as it's known) and they all have their own unique selling point. Whether you're after some cheesy tunes and camp classics, cocktails with class or a raucous indie night out, have a look at our pick of busiest, brightest and best of gay clubs in Glasgow. 

Last edited by Faith Strickland

Polo Lounge & Riding Rooms

The Riding Room brings all things cabaret to Glasgow's gay club scene, with a rollicking roster of fantastical performers. The folk at the Riding Room are also purveyors of the teapot cocktail, which is - you guessed it - a fabulous concoction served in a teapot. They like their liquor here too, as the bar stocked up with various exotic brands, including the curiously named "Death's Door Gin". Sounds terrifying. Intriguing, but terrifying.