New Bar Spy - Bolt Bar

New Shoreditch-Basement Whisky Bar

Bolt Bar


Now Open

What they say:

The Bolt Bar is a "stylish and lavish offering" just near Hoxton station for extended patrons of the famous The Hoxton White Horse. For those with a penchant for a "stylish dive bar with a killer selection of vintage rums and whiskies", this cool London bar has a host of delectable drinks waiting to be discovered. Get ready to sink into one of the sumptuous booths and enjoy some classic English style drinking in the East-end with good vibes and great tunes. All in all, plenty of good nights to be had. 

What we say:

Given the popularity of Bolt Bar's upstairs landlord The Hoxton White Horse, it goes without saying that its a sure hit with the trendy Shoreditch after-work and late night drinkers. You can always count on a great atmosphere in any bohemian East-London watering-hole, but include the hottest jukebox around and of course that wonderful vintage whisky, and you've got a hit. Bolt Bar's abundant booths would also make for a memorable party, or not if this London whisky bar does its job right.