Free post-lockdown beer? SIGN US UP.
Free beer? FREE BEER.
Looks like drinks are on BrewDog as the well-known beer company promises to buy the mother of all rounds as soon as they’re able to make a safe return to pouring pints.
The offer of a free brew is open to anyone (of legal drinking age) who can get down to one of their 78 bars - and whether that involves a short train ride or a longer trek than you’d like to admit, we won’t judge 'cause let's face it, who wouldn’t go to extreme lengths for a beer on tap right now?
And the best part? There’s no obligation to return the favour for this heroic act (thought a thanks might be nice), all the more reason to register for your free pint of Punk IPA here. We know the relentless tide of bad news makes something like this sound far too good to be true, but this beer-shaped blessing is as legit as they come. All you need to do is fill out a quick form, wait to be issued with a unique code and standby for that day where you’re able to share a celebratory drink with your long lost pals.
Still waiting on the end of lockdown? We hear ya. Check out our Isolation Inspiration guide for more fun things to do at home.