We Ask Hannah Sharman-Cox and Siobhan Payne What Makes London Cocktail Week Such A Success

We're helping you get to know some of the biggest disruptors in London food and drink, from the rogue chefs and the tastemakers to the trendsetters and the hospitality history redefiners. Next up on in our series? We talk to Hannah Sharman-Cox and Siobhan Payne; the founders behind world-famous London Cocktail Week, bar ranking system The Pinnacle Guide and hospitality consultancy HANDS London. 

Photo of Hannah Sharman-Cox and Siobhan Payne on a red background.

Photo: Hannah Sharman-Cox and Siobhan Payne.

Tell us who you are and what you do.

We are Hannah Sharman-Cox and Siobhan Payne, and we are the founders and organisers of London Cocktail Week - a huge celebration of cocktail culture hosted in 200 bars across the best city in the world! 

Tell us more about London Cocktail Week, and why people should buy tickets. 

London Cocktail Week is a real gem - even if we do say so ourselves. It is the perfect chance to really understand what goes into a great drink and what makes great service. 

A wristband unlocks £8 Signature Cocktails in the very best bars in London. We’ve personally cherry-picked just 200 bars to take part and we’re so proud to be partnered with each of them. Every bar has created a bespoke cocktail for you to try and each bar has at least one Signature Cocktail for £8. Many also have non-alcoholic cocktails for just £6 too. It really is a chance to taste ingredients you may not be familiar with or visit bars you’ve not heard of. Or if you’re a cocktail connoisseur - it’s a chance to reacquaint yourself with some firm favourites - be that high end hotel bars, award-winning neighbourhood bars or gorgeous rooftop bars

Photo of a drink at Scales Cocktail Bar London.

This duo love a cocktail at Scales in Central London.

If you’re heading anywhere at London Cocktail Week, where are you going and why? 

We can’t pick just one bar - or even really one area of London! There’s too much good stuff happening all over.  

There are some new openings and additions to the festival though and some of those bars feel very fresh and exciting. Scales and Bar Kinky immediately spring to mind - both just off Oxford Street so super central.  

What are your thoughts on the London bar scene at the moment and how does London Cocktail Week fits in? 

London Cocktail Week operates purely to support the London bar scene. We are a non profit event and we work hard to ensure as much revenue as possible goes to and stays with our bar partners. It’s tough running a bar at the moment so any chance to get more nice people into more nice bars is definitely a win all round.  

What does London’s bar scene have above other cities in the world? 

We have an unbelievable wealth of talent here in London and some of the most creative and hard working bar teams in the world. There are so many styles of bars here - that whatever you’re in the mood for - you’ll find. Plus crossing the city is convenient and for the most part, safe, so there’s really no excuse not to get out and explore! 

For more imbibe-able inspiration, get your ticket for London Cocktail Week 2024.