Sam Lee de Lagonell From Steak Empire Temper Tells Us Why Less Waste Means More

We're helping you get to know some of the biggest disruptors in London food and drink, from the rogue chefs and the tastemakers to the trendsetters and the hospitality history redefiners. Second up in our series, we talk to the founder of temper, Sam Lee de Lagonell, about all things steak in the city, and how waste (making very little of it) is so important to their business. 


temper sam lee de lagonell interview

Photo: Sam Lee de Lagonell.

Tell us who you are and what you do.

Sam Lee de Lagonell, founder and MD of temper restaurants and events.

Tell us more about temper, and why people should visit.

A unique concept, vibrant smokehouses with open fire pits so you can watch your food being prepared while interacting with our chefs. Our meat comes from the farm in Yorkshire, Charles Ashbridge, but we butcher and age in-house at the restaurants. This means we use less cattle per week to serve the same amount of meals as a like for like restaurant.

If anyone is ordering just one dish or one drink at temper, which one and why?

This is so difficult to answer but our steak is, I believe, the best in London. We were so proud to be awarded yet again a place on the 101 Best Steak Restaurants in the World, so, I would recommend a steak. To drink I think you would have to try our signature cocktail - the Momma’s Margarita - a little bit of the traditional with a splash of opulence

If you’re heading anywhere after a shift at temper, where are you going and why?

Home – I’m knackered! Or drinks and dinner at El Inca Plebeyo by Jorge Pacheco in Islington. They have a great blend of Ecuadorian dishes - both traditional and those with a twist. It’s a bit further out but so worth the trip and among the best food I have ever had. The quinoa pudding is to die for. As a diabetic, I risk life and limb for this but it is worth the risk. For those without a sweet tooth, the pearl barley with lamb is another heavenly delight.

What are your thoughts on the London restaurant scene at the moment and how temper fits in?

It’s tough for a lot of people at the minute but I love the innovation and creativity that some restaurants are adapting to bring a value proposition without compromising on quality.

I think London is one of the, if not, the best places to eat in the world. We cover every continent and accommodate every pallet. I think from a cost perspective there is a great variety. There are over 40k eating places in London (I think), but I love the fact that you can wander the streets and try traditional street food for £5 embracing all the best flavours without breaking the bank. Food to me is about flavour and passion, not fancy plates, however, I do like a fancy plate every now and then, but London really does demonstrate a respect and passion for food.

temper restaurant london

Some of the best steak in London.

I think temper fits in as the way we butcher our meat means we waste nothing. This allows us to scale pricing across our menu using the same premium cuts. We are also able to diversify our offering, temper burger being a case in point. We also recognize the Monday boom as most restaurant vouchers and offer target Monday night diners. We are soon to launch temper taqueria at our Soho restaurant that offers the full temper experience of counter dining but for £5 an item, allowing us to cater for that early week dinner but not compromising on quality or experience. As a premium casual restaurant, we recognize that we need to be both accessible with pricing without compromising quality, but still have those treat items on the menu. You can sit comfortably knowing you can spend as much or as little as you wish but everyone enjoys the same quality.

What does London’s restaurant scene have above other cities in the world?

temper … wink.

Finally, if you could only use one ingredient for the rest of time, which is it and why?

Corn because it Is a staple of some of the simplest yet delicious recipes. A stable in Mexican cooking, which is one it's only of my absolute favourites. 

For more great restaurants in London, check out our guide.