Drew Manns

Articles written: 13

Born and raised in the good old USA, Drew is a roving aesthete; seeking only the finest pleasures of London nightlife. He prefers Laphroaig whisky and often sports a broad-brimmed fedora.

Recent articles...

Lost & Found - Cocktail Bar Review

Lost & Found

Ever been to Williamsburg in Brooklyn? Lost & Found has the feel of an indie NYC cocktail club; with a pop culture referencing menu and interior design that could feature on a...
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The Cat and Mutton - Pub Review

The Cat And Mutton
Bethnal Green

Public House The Cat and Mutton is a few things rolled into one; a restaurant with hearty meals, a club with its own themed DJ nights and a traditional pub...
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Jam Tart Open Mic Night - Event Review

Jam Tart Open Mic night at Floripa has officially been around for five years and it's still going strong. Given its long-lasting legacy, founders Steve Tart and Dan Benzenou undoubtedly have their work cut out, yet they've done...
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Abbey Bar - Restaurant Bar Review

Abbey (Novus)
City of London

Like Piccadilly Institute, Loop, and Bar Soho; Abbey is one of Late Night London's most popular nightlife locations. They've got a set menu and plenty of events taking place throughout the year,...
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Minster Exchange London - Restaurant Bar Review

Balls Brothers Minster Court
City of London

Just off Mincing Lane, Minster Exchange sits quite unassuming in the shadow of the Gherkin. Inside however, the restaurant is beautifully fit for any patron looking for privacy and memorable...
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Opal London - Restaurant Bar Review


Friendly, fun, and opulent; Opal can provide you with a classic night of dancing, lounging and highballed booze. It’s also one of the rare West End establishments that’s open after...
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