How To Build The Perfect Online Profile with


Have you stalled in your online quest to find the perfect partner? Or are you just setting out on your dating journey? With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, here at, we thought we’d bring you some tips on making the perfect online profile. The aim is for yours to stand well above the crowds, so come February 14, you’ll be batting them away. 

  1. TOP TIP - Do say “I go running every Saturday morning, so you’ll never see me propping up the bar on a Friday.”

Why? If you're too middle of the road and “like socialising and spending time with your friends” you will be the same as 99 per cent of the other daters online, so your profile won't speak to anyone. Our members say phrases like “zest for life”, “I love life” and “great sense of humour” are the worst. Make sure you’re very specific about how you like to spend your time – and the right people will come knocking, or rather, studying your profile. 

  1. TOP TIP - Do say: "I'm not too shy to say I'm pretty awesome at... "

Why? There’s no doubt about this one guys and girls - who doesn’t love confidence? Don’t put yourself down or be modest. Shout about the good stuff. You’re super successful? Boast a killer bod? Have an amazing hobby? Whatever it is, shout about it. But whatever you do, don’t cross the line; 48 per cent of our members are turned off by bragging.

  1. TOP TIP - Do say: "If you want a breath-taking view, I’d recommend the year-round rooftop deck at Alma in Brooklyn, New York where you will be able to see the Manhattan skyline, while drinking a Margarita."

Why? Have you ever met someone who doesn’t like travelling? Us neither. Build intrigue by offering a recommendation of your favourite spot abroad in photographic detail. 

  1. TOP TIP – Do say: “Were you really being honest when you said…”

Why? When it comes to messages, give the subject an interesting hook; use statements or questions that tweak curiosity to make them want to open the message. 

  1. TOP TIP – Do say: “Shall we meet at midnight then hop on a plane? Actually, that's only four minutes away...”

Why? Be original, creative and specific. Popular members on the site sometimes have up to three messages asking them out a day, so make sure your message stands out.

Valentine's Day

Before you stop reading to go off and write that perfect profile, we thought we’d give you some other top stats to show that we really do know we are talking about – and no we’re not afraid to say it!

If your photo is a bit dodge, fear not; 27 per cent of singles will take a second look if the written profile has impressed them, even if the photos didn't!

Women are five times more likely than men to read a profile, despite not fancying the men in their photos.

Men are more into pictures, spending three times as long checking out profile photos.

Guys – you need to make the words matter because women spend an average of 45 seconds more than men reading the copy and checking the profile of someone they are intrigued by. 

Finally, always give your profile the once over; 41 per cent are turned off by bad profile grammar, though men are less fussy then women on this matter, only 19 per cent are bothered. 

Good luck all!

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