The JaguarShoes Collective have dominated East London's watering holes for a while now, with whisky and witchery at Hand of Glory, and pizzas and partying at Dream Bags Jaguar Shoes, but that just wasn't enough; they're now giving it some geezer welly at a pie and mash shop in Chapel Market.
Established by Michele Manze in 1902, M By Manze is a family fun business of pie, mash and jellied eels, all up inside ya. Set at the heart of Chapel Market, JaguarShoes Collective couldn't let a good opportunity pass them by, as they're transforming this 1930s joint into a historical, hotsy totsy pop up bar this March in London. Warming bellies with prohibition cocktails alongside an in-house oyster bar courtesy of the Oyster Boys, AFTERHOURS looks set to be a place to enjoy jams and spend yer clams thanks to its speakeasy, secret style.
Join Afterhours by the JaguarShoes Collective from 3rd March – 16th April at M By Manze in Chapel Market. Opening times: 6-11pm, Thursday – Saturday.