New Bar Spy - Beef & Brew

Beef & Brew mooves into Kentish Town with new steak joint

Beef & Brew


Sept '15

What they say:

Beef & Brew is North London's newest steakhouse. The team behind this venture have wandered into the pastors of Kentish Town to combine London's love of succulent steak with its never-ceasing appetite for ice-cold beer. A range of different cuts of steak are available, along with a list of smooth, flavoursome sauces, but equally thrilling is the restaurant's mouth-watering list of side dishes. From brisket jam nuggets to cauliflower cheese croquettes, the culinary masterminds here have let their creative side shine, producing intriguing small plates to accompany their seasoned steaks. Rustic by nature and with bagfuls of flavour, this North London eatery is here to stay.

What we say:

London's culinary scene seems to constantly be reinventing itself. From the rise of Vietnamese cuisine to the increase in popularity of American-style barbecue joints, there seems to be few patterns that've withstood the liberal wave passing through the city. But steakhouses are the exception to this rule and has remained popular with London's foodies for decades. As such, it's never easy to break into the capital's well-established steak industry. The team at Beef & Brew will have their work cut out for them, but with an intriguing menu and the use of ice-cold beer instead of the traditional red wine as the eateries main beverage, there's nothing to say they won't succeed. Wonderfully tapping into the oh-so-familiar clash of contemporary dishes in a classic setting, and with a menu full of character, upwards is surely the only way this cosy haunt will go.