New Bar Spy -

Burritos and Margaritas bring Mexico sunshine to East Putney

What they say:

The House of Roxy bids farewell to Spain to set up camp in more exotic shores; swapping tapas for Mexican food and cocktails. But don’t mourn the loss of the sparky House of Roxy, Mexican cheer and fabulous cocktails are sure to get the evening swinging along happily. So, head along to El Patron and be transported to warmer climes, whatever the weather in East Putney. 

What we say:

The Mexico obsession shaking its stuff all over London seems to have bypassed Putney…until now! Poor Putney peoples have been tottering over the bridge (suffering all sorts of nasties such as hunger pangs and Mexican related longings of the heart) to reach Guaca in Fulham for the nearest taco. El Patron is a fun fountain of guacamole and jollity; await its opening with baited breath!