New Bar Spy - Pizza Madre

The San Carlo Group turn their attention to Neapolitan pizzas, opening a new restaurant in Manchester

Pizza Madre


Venue Closed

What they say:

Firmly established within Manchester's culinary scene and hoping to take a bigger slice of the action, the San Carlo Group are venturing into the world of wood-fired pizzas, opening a new venue called Pizza Madre across the road from their flagship restaurant on Kings Street West. With a rustic, wood-fired oven churning out all the delicious dishes, the new venue will serve Neapolitan recipes and delicious rotisserie chickens to the city's hungry crowds. Expect smooth olive oil drizzles, thin crunchy crusts and a sauce that explodes with life as soon as it hits the palate. 

What we say:

Any news about the San Carlo Group is well worth your close attention. The family-run Italian restaurant group have swept through a handful of UK cities, offering stunning flavours without the nose bleed-inducing costs. The shift towards Neapolitan pizzas may seem like an obvious one, but that won't stop us getting excited. Just as the Volturno runs through the middle of Naples, authenticity and fresh ingredients flow down the veins of every San Carlo venture. We're excited and will for sure be the first in line when the venue opens its doors in spring.