New Bar Spy - Real Junk Food

Pay as you feel at Real Junk Food's supermarket-waste restaurant

Real Junk Food


Venue Closed

What they say:

It's rare that a lunch out can make you feel good in all senses of the word, but that's precisely what Real Junk Food's meals will do. Following a successful crowd-funding campaign, the company, which uses supermarket waste, has launched a permanent restaurant on Oxford Street. Open on weekdays from 8am - 3pm, the restaurant's volunteers cook up a new menu daily, from smoked salmon and poached egg for breakfast through to sandwiches at lunch.

What we say:

With a mantra of 'feed bellies not bins', Real Junk Food is changing the way we consume food. Using products that would otherwise be chucked away, they create inventive and delicious dishes daily. Diners are able to choose from a constantly changing menu and then invited to pay what they feel. Coffee is chargeable and provided in partnership with Second City Coffee, an ethical coffee consultancy company, and the brand also hope to start serving alcohol when they trial opening in the evening. It's not just the food that's given a new life, the restaurant's interiors are upcycled and include a bath tub and pallet board interiors.