Best Vegan And Vegetarian Restaurants In Sheffield

Long gone are the days where those of us on a plant-based diet would join our friends for a bite to eat, only to find out the one edible option is a bowl of chips. Oh no; we can now tuck into all kinds of delicious treats, without worrying about their contents. From gorgeous cafes boasting tasty brunches and wacky shakes to 100% meat-free hotspots serving up internationally inspired small plates, here are the best vegan and vegetarian restaurants in Sheffield.

Last edited by Lauren Cole

Cutlery Works

From a full brunch club to robata-grilled treats, Szechuan cuisine, Mexican food, Thai dishes and even more vendors besides, Cutlery Works is great for the indecisive herbivores among us. This cool Neepsend Lane food hall is ready and waiting, wherever across the world you wish to travel to for your meal.

Pom Kitchen

Pom Kitchen boasts some of the best vegan takeaway in Sheffield. Think meat-free bacon butties, avo on toast and pretty smoothie bowls to keep you going through out the day. Plus, there are absolutely bonkers shakes and drink specials to wash down your meal with.


V OR V is a vegan restaurant in Sheffield's Kelham Island; a herbivore's haven with a decadent array of fully plant-based and vegetarian small plates. While the menu changes regularly, expect influences from all over the world - think Seoul, Ethiopia and Italy.

Rutland Arms

Over on the corner of Furnival and Brown Street, The Rutland Arms is a friendly boozer that also happens to be a haven of meat-free alternatives. Expect comfort food with a bistro twist, including banging bhaji butties, veg-packed curries, juicy sorbets and more.