So, we've been through all of your answers to our DesignMyNight City Survey and let us tell you, we've learnt a lot. Not just what you love about your cities and what you think it needs to improve on, but also that you guys are pretty darn hilarious. So you can enjoy it as much as we have, here are the funniest things you told us about the UK in our 2021 City Survey.
When We Asked About Your Dream Night Out, You Said...
Leeds: "By the end of the night, I’d hope to think we’d all still be together, but there’s always one who decides to go on an adventure alone or falls asleep in the toilets."
Nottingham: "Getting ready to party play list. Open a bottle of fizzzzz. Shower fizz. Nails fizz. Hair fizz. Tan fizz. Slap fizz. First bottle down. Open a bottle of fizzzzz. Dress on fizz. Shoes on fizz. Girls arrive fizzzzz.... Let's goooooooo!!!!"
London: "I probably would’ve messaged someone I shouldn’t have and will wake up with a lot of embarrassing stories... But that’s doesn’t stop me from doing it all over again!"
Sounds like we need a fizzy night out in Nottingham.
The Way You Describe Your City Is Interesting...
Manchester: “On the sixth day god made Manchester and he did a damn good job.”
London: "Smelly"
Dudley: “Crusty cobs”
Belfast: “The craic”
London: "How long have you got?"
With its beer gardens and charming spots, you love Belfast for a craic-ing night out.
Turns Out, You All Love A Messy Takeaway...
Belfast: “When it’s all said and done, we usually find the closest fast food restaurant to stuff our faces, or in my case drinking a tub of KFC gravy (video on request).”
Birmingham: "My friend will order cheesy chips and chicken nugs… and the other, she’ll demand mozzarella sticks (they don’t have these) and a large pizza to take home that 100% won’t be eaten, but a slice will be firmly planted to her face when she awakens."
Nottingham: "We head onto a club before stumbling back to the best hotel and passing out next to some half-eaten curry chips!"
London: "Cheesy girlie tunes and bar crawling until the sun comes up…and then crawling into McDonald’s for a Fillet-O-Fish and a milkshake. Bone apple teeth!"
The best takeaways in your city? We've got 'em.
And Enjoyed Some Things During Lockdown...
Cambridge: "Not working"
Northampton: "My bank balance!"
Cardiff: "My laser light for kitchen raves"
Bedford: "New girlfriend"
London: "Sex"
We think your new girlfriend will like this guide...
But If There Was Something You'd Change?
London: "Pigeons."
Brighton: "The temperature of the sea!"
Sheffield: "Less hills, please."
London: "Wish they'd pick up my damn recycling more often."
Cardiff: "The weather."
Chelmsford: "That my ex would leave town!"
Newcastle: "Sweaty men slobbering!"
Liverpool: "Seagulls!"
Glasgow: "The smell."
One for warm weather and escaping those 'smells,' our beer gardens guide has it all.
Plus, We Found Out...
54% of you would rather go to an uber swish restaurant in your gym clothes than turn up to the pub in your prom 'fit.
65% would prefer to go out every night of the week compared to only once a year. You party animals you.
59% of you said you would happily bump into your parents over your ex.
54% claim you'd pay £100 to skip the queue than have to wait three hours for a free meal. Big spenders, eh?
72% said you prefer bottomless drinks over bottomless food.
Bottomless drinks? Endless food? Consult our list of the best brunches in the UK.
Like this? Discover more about the results of the DesignMyNight City Survey 2021.