BucketRace - Family Voucher To Seasonal Scavenger Hunts

- Valid 12 months from purchase
Our Scavenger Hunts are experiences where teams compete against one another by completing a string of tasks and challenges in order to earn points. BucketRace's goal is for players to get creative, discover new places, and embrace the inner child while having some competitive fun.
Our Seasonal Scavenger Hunts comprise of a set of location challenges that take your team around central London, and a set of miscellaneous challenges personalised towards the season style (Valentine's Day, Easter, Summer, Halloween, Guy Fawkes & Christmas).
What you need
All you need is a well-charged smartphone (more than one per team is advised), and comfy footwear. BucketRace will provide the rest.
Each task carries a specific amount of points based on its difficulty, location, and BucketRace classification (e.g. location, miscellaneous, or seasonal).
The location tasks score the least points; however, completing enough of them unlocks hefty bonus points. Miscellaneous tasks score more points, but they don’t offer any bonus incentive. So choose wisely!
It’s also worth noting that most of the BucketRace location tasks have been written in order of the quickest route. The exceptions are the final few tasks within each section, which have been chosen to fit the culture of each area and can be performed anywhere within that location. Any teams who arrive at the finish late will forfeit a cumulative 150 points every 5 minutes.
Task Examples
Central London: Read out Shakespeare in front of Shakespeare | Take a perspective photo of Big Ben | Photobomb a selfie in front of Buckingham Palace | Perform a song next to Hyde Park’s bandstand.
Valentines Miscellaneous: Carve your initials into a tree | Write 'I love You' on a steamy mirror | Wear your heart on your sleeve | Perform all you need is love as a duet to an audience
Easter Miscellaneous: Cluck like a chicken in public | Find a giant Easter egg | Have a Space Hopper Race | Have an egg and spoon race through town
Summer Miscellaneous: Parachute with a parasol | Water a melon | Run through sprinklers | Wear an oversize sunhat
Halloween Miscellaneous: Shake hands with a skeleton | Mummify a team mate | Get caught in a spiders web | Clown around dressed as a clown
Guy Fawkes Miscellaneous: Create Guy Fawkes out of forks | Protest a protest | Put a jacket on a potato | Warm your team next to an open fire
Christmas Miscellaneous: Fill a stocking with coal | Ride in a sleigh | Rock around a Christmas tree | Cuddle a giant Teddy Bear
Winter Miscellaneous: Roast a marshmallow over a fire | Hind under a duvet | Wrap yourself in a ludicrously oversized scarf | Put mittens on kittens
Task Submission
Tasks are submitted via mobile using google forms. Players must have an email address, and be willing to sign-in through Google to play.
How to redeem
1. Register for the event here and enter your voucher code: https://www.bucketrace.com/event-registration
2. Come up with the best team name (extra points)
3. For bonus points follow us on...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bucketrace
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bucketrace
4. Tag us in a pre-game post for BIG bonus points…
This could make all the difference!
*Please Note
In order to play the game, one person in your team will need a smartphone!!!
And you will need to sign-in through Google using any email address.
This voucher can be redeemed once only.
Redeemable at these events
Voucher is only valid for the experience listed above or the monetary amount stated, in exchange for services of equivalent value. This voucher can not be exchanged for cash. Subject to availability. The voucher can only be redeemed once. The voucher will not be redeemed after the expiry date.
Our events are seasonal, and run on particular dates throughout the year. To see our up-and-coming dates, please visit our website using this link: https://www.bucketrace.com/scavenger-hunt-tickets